Twitter is the biggest technological disaster of the 21st century

Perhaps some of you have heard the famous Chris Rea song Road to Hell and remember the words 'This isn’t any technological breakdown, oh no, this is the road to hell'.

I am sure that the two most modern threats to humanity are Twitter and the dangerous Chat GPT technology recognized by Elon Musk and the leading minds of the planet.

I tend to trust the smartest people on the planet, including Elon Musk, who is now working hard to try to fix what has already been created before him. Created in the best style of post-apocalyptic films from crutches and sticks. It is about one of these crutches that this article is about.

To understand the full scale of the threat and tragedy, it is necessary to make a brief introduction to the current state of Twitter for those who were not interested in this program or used it occasionally. If we try to briefly describe the rampage of technological misfortune that is happening there today, then humanity is divided today into three parts.

The first part does not use Twitter. The second part reads Twitter and occasionally comments on something. And the third part publishes the information.

If everything is clear with the first part, then the second and third parts interact today absolutely without any connection with each other, which is the biggest threat to humanity today. After all, mutual misunderstanding always caused conflicts, quarrels, and even wars. And today, the mutual misunderstanding of each other, already inherent in people, is exacerbated by technical flaws in the software. This greatly enhances the already fragile ability of people to interact with each other.

Also, the problem of mutual misunderstanding is always exacerbated by rudeness and lack of education, people’s lack of minimal empathy, and desire to help another person. It is these human qualities that in all ages could kill any good undertaking and bury the best idea. More than one novel has been written about this and more than one thousand books describe similar situations at various times in the existence of mankind. But the aggravation of this situation by the technical features of the implementation of Twitter elevates this threat to an unprecedented level by the unpredictability and illogicality of the problems that arise.

Even without special psychological education, many people understand and can predict other people’s behavior. However, we cannot predict the behavior of a software algorithm set by someone, set according to some logic of its own and, most importantly, unknown to us. As a result, the second part of the population of our planet reads Twitter and draws some conclusions for itself based on incorrect information, and the third part publishes information without understanding the reaction of readers.

Moreover, worst of all, those who publish and censor information (even with the best intentions) also make some decisions and make their analysis based on the available data without taking into account the implementation features of software algorithms, which they also do not know about.

One such algorithm that is implemented in Twitter and makes an additional contribution to the growing mutual misunderstanding between people is the censorship of accounts without notifying the user. Because I have several business lines, I created several Twitter accounts for the convenience of users who are only interested in certain information.

And then miracles of technological misunderstanding began. It’s fair to say that Twitter has already become a human vanity fair in recent years, where no one hears the other person, does not respond to his messages, and does not respond to words at all. But still, occasionally people answer and sometimes you get a lucky chance to find a congenial interlocutor.

Trying to get some feedback on Twitter for a question that interests me, I sent thousands of messages. However, no one responds to them perfectly. I thought it doesn’t happen, and decided to check what was happening. Taking the same post, I wrote a comment there from two different accounts. Using one account and sending a message to the general, as it seems to me, chat, I see this message. But no one answers it, no one reacts to it at all.

When I enter the same chat from my other account, I do not see my message sent from the first account. He is not. I checked all the correspondence up to the last message. The previous message is not displayed anywhere. One can only guess what happens next. Perhaps Twitter divides users into groups according to some algorithm of its own. Perhaps some kind of blocking has worked and my messages will appear in this chat later and will come as a surprise to the interlocutors. I don’t know exactly how the Twitter algorithms are set up and it’s very hard to find out what I don’t know if it’s not mentioned anywhere.

As a result, each of us needs to understand that one cannot generally draw any conclusions or analyses based on data published on Twitter. Those who are engaged in the publication of information do not pay attention to users' desires or moods. Or, when making some decisions, they proceed from false data, since they do not have information about Twitter algorithms. At a minimum, in the best case, your message, article, or some other information that you wanted to convey to readers or customers will be distributed among them for weeks or months.

And no one can be sure of the result, since your information may be shown to the application user out of time when the situation has already changed dramatically and requires completely different words. You can also analyze the words and messages of users in weeks and months when you can break through a series of human and program errors and you can remotely understand what exactly the person who posted the information wanted to say, or how people reacted.

The situation is further aggravated by the emergence of ChatGPT technology, which exacerbates the possibilities for mutual misunderstanding on the one hand and creates the preconditions for a complete lack of feedback on the other hand. But this is a topic for a separate article.

Aething Inc.

APRIL, 02 / 2023
Text author: Ihar Kul

Aething Inc.

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