Benefits aething app for the Mass Media

We’ve already covered the small business benefits of aething app. What is aething app?

This is a promotional mobile app in which a business directly sends ads to the client with the money for viewing these ads. The app gets a fee. And right now we are talking about the benefits of using traditional media.

Especially for investigative journalists
and socially significant bloggers, we have provided the opportunity to collect donations to continue their activities. You can get a special QR code by which your listeners and viewers will be able to send donations in our Aething application from the funds they received for viewing advertisements. To obtain a code, you must have been doing this activity for at least three years. You can request a QR code by sending a request to

For traditional media. Dear Mass Media. You form an opinion and analyze it, you look at it from different angles and convey different opinions to people. You give us food for thought and provide a serious evidence base, conduct investigations, and cover the most important events. Your work is aimed at serious thinking people who are in no hurry to draw conclusions and require a multilateral analysis of the situation.

But sometimes we need to be given the tribune to be heard. We will not be able to do your work, we have neither the experience nor the ability to provide our clients with multi-page diverse information reflecting different opinions. But we are confident that we can become that showcase and the platform from which you can get the platform to convey your information to your customers.
There is an expression that the theater begins with a hanger. But many modern people will not understand these words because they have never been to the theater. Theater and many other arts have replaced their phone, tablet, and TV set-top box.

And we hope to become your guide to this audience, which is still learning about the world and having learned all its complexity and versatility, will inevitably turn its gaze to the most serious and thoughtful publications following traditions and developing their style over the years.
You do not need to change, you are doing what has always been and will be in demand.

You only need a platform from which you can tell your future readers about yourself. Each ad on our platform has metadata with the ability to specify the author and his contact details.

You can always be sure that your work will be appreciated by grateful readers. Be yourself, we appreciate you for that!

Aething Inc.

APRIL, 02 / 2023
Text author: Ihar Kul

Aething Inc.

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